It’s Time!


Day 742….the  approximate number of days it has been since I “entertained” the idea to start a blog……I don’t put things in to play very quickly, a true procrastinator at heart.   Needless to say, the fruit appears much later than the original ideas in my life.  Hoping to improve on that this year.

Getting started has been the hardest part for me.  My mind goes in five thousand directions in any given moment and i’m easily distracted from the task at hand.  Not to mention I am a single mom with many needs vying for my attention.   Anyone else???   Add in a pinch of doubt, insecurity and a whole lot of fear and you have a recipe to be paralyzed in the process. (Approximately 2 years worth).

The decision to start the blog was for a creative outlet for myself as well as a calling I believe God has placed in me which has slowly developed over time.  This was never my “dream”.   It has opened the door for a tremendous amount of vulnerability and questioning.  My desire is not to have a huge following or be the best blogger but to be obedient to Gods call to share insights, stories, and experiences that He has brought me through that will hopefully encourage and spur you on in your own life and faith.  Any they overcame by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. (Revelation 12:11)  Testimony for those who may be asking is “a declaration or evidence used in support of something”.  In my case, the testimony of my faith, my struggles, my victories, my failures.  Christ uses our circumstances and our story to not only shape our lives but the lives of others.  We need each other.

Some people are called to preach, some to teach, some to write ( and a whole list of other giftings in between).  But we ALL have a unique voice that God has given us to use.  I’m not a fan of public speaking – it has always brought panic and discomfort to me.  But that doesn’t negate that I have things that need to be shared and “voiced”.  And even though i’m not a fan, I have stood before women and shared my heart – God’s heart – for all who would hear because God gave me the voice to do so.   We are all called to share– not to walk the journey alone. (Click on link for actual testimony). Nicaragua

So after two years of thinking, being afraid, praying, researching, stopping and starting, being overwhelmed and wanting to bash my computer in-i’m finally diving in. When better than to start fresh for 2019!  Hopefully it will set the course for the coming years.

So here it is – unpolished & unfolding.    My start, my beginning.  At least this part of my journey.  I hope you find hope and encouragement  and know that you are never alone.

Praying that 2019 will be a year filled with many blessings for each of you.  That God would meet you right where you are.

365 new chances to do what you love.

365 days of new opportunities to “begin”.

Happy New Year!!



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